The Malai Mahadeshwara Wildlife Sanctuary will be declared as a tiger reserve soon. A presentation of the final proposal was made before the NTCA early this month and the final notification will be made by the State government once the NTCA gives its formal approval.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020
Once notified, Karnataka will have six tiger reserves, the others being Nagarahole, Bhadra, and Anshi-Dandeli, Bandipur and Biligiri Ranganatha Temple (BRT) Tiger Reserves. It is spread over 906.18 sq km – is contiguous to BRT Tiger Reserve, Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve and the Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary. The area was declared as Wildlife Sanctuary in 2013. It consists mainly of dry deciduous type degrading to scrub forest in the fringe areas, and are interspersed with patches of moist deciduous, semi-evergreen, evergreen and shola forests occurring at varying altitudes.