PM CARES Fund Trust has allocated Rs. 2000 crore for supply of 50000 ‘Made-in-India’ ventilators to government run COVID hospitals in all States/UTs. Further, a sum of Rs. 1000 crore has been allocated for the welfare of migrant labourers.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020
Out of the 50000 ventilators, 30000 ventilators are being manufactured by M/s Bharat Electronics Limited.
The remaining 20000 ventilators are being manufactured by AgVa Healthcare (10000), AMTZ Basic (5650), AMTZ High End (4000) and Allied Medical (350).
So far 2923 ventilators have been manufactured, out of which 1340 ventilators have already been delivered to the States/UTs.
The prominent recipients include Maharashtra (275), Delhi (275), Gujarat (175), Bihar (100), Karnataka (90), Rajasthan (75).
By the end of June 2020, additional 14,000 ventilators will be delivered to all States/UTs. Further a sum of Rs. 1000 crore has already been released to States/UTs for welfare of the migrant labourers.