Country’s first-ever radio channel for the visually impaired, named ‘Radio Aksh’ has been launched in Nagpur, with the Blind Relief Association Nagpur and Samdrushti Kshamata Vikas Avam Anusandhan Mandal (Saksham) serving as the pioneers of the concept that will help the visually-impaired gain seamless access to education resources and audiobooks.
Unlike FM and AM, this radio channel has been launched on Internet Radio technology, which has no geographical limits. All the Contents are pre-recorded.
This digital platforms will enable access to vast bank of information from anywhere, to the visually impaired through their digital devices. This concept of internet radio has been initiated by the Blind Relief Association Nagpur and Samdrushti Kshamata Vikas Avam Anusandhan Mandal (Saksham).