Natural vegetation and wildlife of the earth exist only in the biosphere. The plants of this vegetation are of two types: forest plants, trees of which shelter living creatures and also divide the earth into separate habitats; and grass plants such as meadow grasses, of which many kinds of herbivorous animals live.
The types of animals on land are numbered in thousands; they include carnivores, rodents, reptiles and insects.
In the biosphere living beings are inter-related and interdependent on each other for survival. This life supporting system is known as the ecosystem.
Plants provide us with timber, shelter to animals, produce oxygen, protect soil for growing crops, act as shelter belts, give us fruits and vegetables help in storage of underground water, etc.
Wildlife includes animals, birds, insects and aquatic life forms. They provide us milk, meat, hides and wool, help in pollination of flowers, acts as decomposers in ecosystem, etc.