The Centre’s new rules to regulate the digital space is being viewed with alarm by media organisations, social media platforms and over-the-top video (OTT) platforms, who see some of the provisions as striking at the heart of the fundamental right to free speech and expression, besides imposing a high cost of compliance.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2021
It said that certain misgivings are being raised regarding Rule 16 of the new guidelines which mention that in case of emergency nature, interim blocking directions may be issued by the Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
In a statement, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting said that the same rule was being exercised by the Secretary, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology since the past eleven years under the Information Technology (Procedure and Safeguards for Blocking for Access of Information by Public) Rules, 2009.
Now, under the new rule, this provison will be exercised by the I & B Secretary in place of IT Secretary.