National Film Development Corporation Limited (NFDC) under the scheme titled ‘Production of films in various Indian languages’ by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (GOI) has now announced that it will accept applications for funding of feature films.
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Interested applicants can apply by visiting official website https://nfdcindia.com/apply-now/ and refer the Production Guidelines to fulfil all application requirements. It is mandatory to send the complete application in hard copy to the Mumbai office of National Film Development Corporation, 6th Floor, Discovery of India Building, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Nehru Centre, Worli, Mumbai – 400 018, in addition to the above you may also send your application to our Regional Office(s) in New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and our branch office in Thiruvananthapuram by visiting https://www.nfdcindia.com/contact-us/ for the postal addresses. You can also call in case of urgent queries on 022 66288 288.
NFDC produces & co-produces feature films that reflect the diversity in Indian Cinema, under its extant guidelines for film production. NFDC encourages and promotes filmmakers by undertaking 100% production of their debut film and also takes on projects as a co-producer to uphold the mandate of producing good content in collaboration with independent filmmakers both from India and abroad.
About National Film Development Corporation(NFDC)
The NFDC of India based in Mumbai is the central agency established in 1975, to encourage high quality Indian cinema. It functions in areas of film financing, production and distribution and under Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India.
Headquarters: Mumbai
Founded: 1975, Mumbai
Owners: Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India