Nuclear power is the energy that heat and lights our cities and towns. It has simplified our lives and made it easier to do everything in life.
Nuclear power plants produce electricity by harnessing the energy stored in the nuclei of atoms of naturally occurring radioactive elements like uranium and thorium. These atoms undergo nuclear fission in nuclear reactors and emit power
The complete process is called nuclear power generation. We use certain radioactive isotopes for other industrial and medical processes such as their use in PET scanners for medical imaging and radiocarbon dating in archeology.
Obtained from energy stored in the nuclei of atoms of naturally occurring radioactive elements like uranium and thorium- undergo nuclear fission in nuclear reactors and emit power Greatest producers of nuclear power— USA and Europe.
Large deposits of Uranium in India-Rajasthan and Jharkhand. Thorium found in large quantities- in the Monazite sands of Kerala.
Nuclear power stations in India-located in Kalpakkam in Tamilnadu, Tarapur in Maharashtra, Ranapratap Sagar near Kota in Rajasthan, Narora in Uttar Pradesh and Kaiga in Karnataka.