One of the strongest arguments in support of the view that Ashoka’s dhamma was not a religious

Q. One of the strongest arguments in support of the view that Ashoka’s dhamma was not a religious policy but a secular concept is the

(a) Appointment of dhamma-mahamattas

(b) Emphasis laid by him on respect for the elders

(c) Stress laid on the importance of the family

(d) Stress on the maintenance of concord with all sects

Ans: (a) Appointment of dhamma-mahamattas

Explanation: The correct answer is (a) Appointment of dhamma-mahamattas.

One of the strongest arguments in support of the view that Ashoka’s dhamma was not a religious policy but a secular concept is the appointment of dhamma-mahamattas. Dhamma-mahamattas were officials appointed by Ashoka to propagate and enforce the principles of dharma (righteousness) in his empire. The fact that Ashoka appointed officers specifically tasked with overseeing the implementation of dhamma suggests that it was a secular concept, focused on ethical and moral principles rather than religious doctrines.

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