Almost the entire mass of an atom is concentrated in the
READ MORE +Almost the entire mass of an atom is concentrated in the
READ MORE +Who of the following was awarded the Nobel Prize for his measurement of elementary electronic charge?
READ MORE +How many electrons does the outermost shell of neon have?
READ MORE +Which of the following was the first fundamental particle to be discovered?
READ MORE +What will be the number of neutrons in an atom having atomic number 35 and mass number 80?
READ MORE +Which of the following does not represent the Atomic number of an atom?
READ MORE +Which of the following was discovered in Milikan's oil drop experiment?
READ MORE +What do we call the region of space around the nucleus where the probability of finding an electron is maximum?
READ MORE +Current Affairs is the most important area in all competitive exams. But the difficulty level is very high. That’s why; many aspirants get confused, how to select Current Affairs for Preparation of Competitive Examination? In this Post, Daily Current Affairs 8 January 2022, we have tried to cover ...
READ MORE +An alpha particle contains