The class of an immunoglobulin
READ MORE +The class of an immunoglobulin
READ MORE +When a B-cell undergoes immunoglobulin class switching
READ MORE +All of the following are true EXCEPT
READ MORE +The immunoglobulin Joining chain (J-chain) is
READ MORE +Current Affairs is the most important area in all competitive exams. But the difficulty level is very high. That’s why; many aspirants get confused, how to select Current Affairs for Preparation of Competitive Examination? In this Post, Daily Current Affairs 2 & 3 January 2022, we have tried ...
READ MORE +The major immunoglobulin family to which a particular immunoglobulin belongs can be determined by sequential analysis of the 110 amino acids beginning from the
READ MORE +T-cell receptors or antibodies react with antigens
READ MORE +T-cell antigen receptors are distinguished from antibodies by which of the following
READ MORE +The major role of the complement system is to work in conjunction with
READ MORE +One principal function of complement is to