Chlamyodomonas reinhardtii is a green _________ algae.
READ MORE +Chlamyodomonas reinhardtii is a green _________ algae.
READ MORE +Genetic manipulation of Volvox carteri is carried out using nitrogen reducatse or antibiotic resistance.
READ MORE +Homologue of yeast ARG4 in Chlamydomonas is __________
READ MORE +Rhodophyceae is also called as red algae because of the presence of a pigment called r-phycoerythrin.
READ MORE +A leaf like photosynthetic organ in Phaecophyceae is called as ________
READ MORE +Food is stored in Phaecophyceae as ___________
READ MORE +Which among the following is an incorrect statement?
READ MORE +During unfavourable conditions, the outer layer that is formed in chlamydomonas is called as ______
READ MORE +The color in Phaecophyceae depends on the amount of xanthophyll and fucoxanthin.
READ MORE +The storage bodies present in chloroplasts of chlorophyceae are called as ________