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National Safety Day 2020

National Safety Day is observed on 4 March and a one week campaign is orgainsed from 4 March known as National Safety Week Campaign focusing on the safety measures that need to be taken to reduce any kind of mishaps and accidents. National Safety Day/Safety Week Campaign focuses on the importance ...

Nominations for the World Heritage List 2020

The Minister of State of Culture and Tourism has informed Lok Sabha that India has submitted two nomination dossiers namely ‘Dholavira: A Harappan City’ and ‘Monuments and Forts of Deccan Sultanate’ for inclusion in the World Heritage List for the year 2020. It demonstrates a highly organised ...

Defence Expenditure as a part of GDP

The Minister of State for Defence gave information about the defence expenditure as a part of GDP in Rajya Sabha. The Defence Expenditure is increasing every year in absolute terms, implying higher spending. However, Defence Budget as a percentage of GDP may appear to be decreasing due to the ...

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