The world is fighting against the Covid-19. The nationwide lockdown, to prevent COVID-19, has led to minimal air pollution in over 90 cities including Delhi. Environmentalists have welcomed the reduction in pollution and have urged the government to treat it as a wake-up call and stop the development at the cost of the environment.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020
During the lockdown, the government has asked the people to avoid unnecessary travel which has significantly reduced the traffic movement. Other factors which have contributed to the improved air quality are shutting down of industries and construction sites and rains. The low AQI and the blue skies prove that air pollution was mostly anthropomorphic (man-made), which can be reduced by conscious efforts. Reducing air pollution by rapidly slowing down the economy is not an ideal way so mindful use of technologies and low-emission alternatives can be opted to minimise the pollution. It was also emphasised that air pollution weakens the lungs so countries like India with higher pollution and lower nutrition levels will be more affected by COVID-19 leading to higher morbidity and deaths.