Topic: Harappanicivilization
- People lived in houses of different sizes, mostly consisting of rooms arranged around a central courtyard.
- Doorways and winfows generally faced the side lanes and rarely opend onto the main streets.
- The view from the lane into the courtyard was blocked off by a wall.
- There are remains of staircases that may have led to the roof or a second story.
- The fact that some of the houses at Mohenjodaro were two stories high or more is also suggested buy the thickness of their walls.
- Floores were usually made of hard packed earth, often re-plastered or covered with sand.
- The ceitings were probably over 3 m high. Roofs may have been made of wooden beams covered with and packed clay.
- The doors and windows of houses were made of wood and mats.
- Many houses or groups of houses had separate bathing areas and toilets.