PM Modi launched e-Gram Swaraj portal and Swamitva Yojana on Panchayati Raj DayIn another e-governance move the Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched e-Gram Swaraj portal and Swamitva Yojana, which will conduct their operations online.
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E-Gram Swaraj will monitor the events organized for the rural areas.
Candidates check the EGramSwaraj Portal link www.egramswaraj.gov.in
The portal aims to strengthen e-governance in Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) across the country.
E-Gram Swaraj aims to bring better transparency in decentralized planning, progress reporting, and task-based accounting.
This initiative is a part of the Digital India program in the country and seeks to promote e-governance of panchayats in villages.
The villages will be able to work and government and digitally, thus, bring digital literacy to the villages.
The e-Gram Swaraj website lists down the latest updates such as the 65967 number of profiles created, 244447 approved Gram Panchayat Development Plans (GPDPs), 87434 physical progress completed, 265311 financial progress onboarding, and 102968 geo-tagging initiated.