A Price Monitoring and Resource Unit (PMRU) has been set up in Karnataka under the aegis of National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA), Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020
PMRU will function at the State level under the direct supervision of the State Drug Controller for increasing outreach of NPPA.
PMRUs are societies registered under the Societies Registration Act having its own Memorandum of Association/ Bye laws.
The Board of Governors of PMRU includes the representatives from Central Government and State Government concerned and other stakeholders.
NPPA, under its Central Sector Scheme named Consumer Awareness, Publicity and Price Monitoring (CAPPM), has already set up of PMRUs in 12 States/ UTs. NPPA has plans to set up PMRUs in all the 36 States/ UTs.
The expenses of PMRUs, both recurring and non-recurring are borne by NPPA under the Scheme. The primary function of PMRUs is to assist NPPA in monitoring of prices of drugs, ensuring availability of drugs and raising consumer awareness.