Last Date: 06/04/2022.
Rajiv Gandhi University, Doimukh, Arunachal Pradesh has released an advertisement for the recruitment of 91 Faculty vacancies in the cadre of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor.
Rajiv Gandhi University Doimukh Recruitment 2022
Name of Post | No of posts |
Professor | 25 [UR: 10, SC: 04, ST: 01, OBC: 07, PwBD: 01 & EWS: 02] |
Name of Post | No of posts |
Assistant Professor | 30 [UR: 12, SC: 04, ST: 03, OBC: 07, PwBD: 01 & EWS: 03] |
Name of Post | No of posts |
Assistant Professor | 36 [UR: 12, SC: 07, ST: 03, OBC: 10, PwBD: 01 & EWS: 03] |
Eligibility Criteria: Details of minimum educational qualifications, experience, publications, etc., for all the posts advertised, shall be as per the “UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education 2018”, as amended from time to time and as per AICTE/NCTE/ICAR norms as applicable. For details, the concerned website should be referred to. Further, in regulation 3, for sub-regulation 3.10 shall be as per UGC notification No. F.9-1/2010(PS/MISC) Pt. Vol.I, dated 11th October 2021.
Application Fee:
Non-refundable category-wise application fee as mentioned below will be accepted through online mode only. The application fee is to be paid through the payment gateway provided by the University by online Internet Banking/Debit Card/Credit Card/UPI etc.
1. General/OBC/EWS: Rs.1,000/-
2. SC/ST: Rs.400/-
3. PwBD: Nil
How to Apply for RGU Arunachal Pradesh Recruitment?
Interested and eligible candidates may apply online for these vacancies by visiting the official RGU Arunachal Pradesh Recruitment Portal. Candidates may follow the below-mentioned steps to apply online.
1. Scroll down, go to the Important Web-Links section.
2. Click on the “Online Application” and complete the registration process by clicking the “Register Now” Button.
3. In the next stage, click on the “Online Application” link and log in.
4. Fill in your all personal and educational details and upload the necessary documents.
5. At the end, pay the application fee and submit the form.
6. Don’t forget to take a printout of the application form.
Two sets of Hard Copies of the online application form along with all self-attested testimonials, certificates/educational qualifications, and all supporting documents should reach to “The Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh, Arunachal Pradesh – 791112” in closed cover on or before the due date.
All the documents should be clearly/ legibly printed on A4 size paper properly paginated and should be spiral-binded in chronological order. Applicants are advised to send their hard copies through India Posts’ Speed Post service only.
Important Dates of Rajiv Gandhi University Doimukh Vacancy 2022
1. Starting date of submission of online application: 07/03/2022
2. Last date of submission of online application: 06/04/2022 up to 12:00 midnight
3. Last date of receipt of hard copies of Application Form along with all supporting documents: 25/04/022 up to 5:00 pm
Important Web-Links of Rajiv Gandhi University Recruitment
Online Application: Click Here
Advertisement Details: Click Here