RELIGIOUS POLICY OF PORTUGUESE: UPSC Daily Important Topic | 6 November 2021
November 6, 2021
Portuguese brought with them the zeal to promote christianity and the wish to persecute all Muslims.
Intolerent towards the Muslims, the portuguese were initially quite tolerent towards the Hindus. However, over time, after the introduction of the Inquisition in Goa, there was a change and Hindus were also persecuted.
But, in spite of this intolerent behaviour, the Jesuits made a good impression at the Court of Akbar, mainly due to the Mughal emperor’s interest in questions of theology.
In September 1579, Akbar forwarded a letter to the authorities at Goa requesting them to send two leasrned prists. The church authorities in Goa eagerly accepting the invitation, seeing in it a change to convert the emperor to christianity, and with him his court and the people.
Jesuit fathers, Rodolfo Aquaviva and Antonio Monserrate reached Fatehpur Sikri in 1580. They went back in 1583.