The rulers of Vijayanagar were the followers of Vishnu but they followed a policy of religious toleration towards all. A study of the relevant material shows that women occupied a high position in society. They took part in the political, social and literary life of the country.
Allasani Peddanna in his Manucharitam refers the existence of four castes — Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras – in the Vijayanagar society.
Silk and cotton clothes were mainly used for dress. Paes mentions of the beautiful houses of the rich and the large number of their household servants. Nicolo Conti refers to the prevalence of slavery
Sangama rulers were chiefly Saivaites and Virupaksha was their family deity. But all kings were tolerant towards other religions. Borbosa referred to the religious freedom enjoyed by everyone. Muslims were employed in the administration and they were freely allowed to build mosques and worship.
The position of women had not improved. However, some of them were learned. Gangadevi, wife of Kumarakampana authored the famous work Maduravijayam. Hannamma and Thirumalamma were famous poets of this period.
According to Nuniz, a large number of women were employed in royal palaces as dancers, domestic servants and palanquin bearers.