Socio-Economic profiling of PM SVANidhi beneficiaries & their families
Housing and Urban Affairs Secretary Durga Shanker Mishra launched a programme of Socio-Economic Profiling of PM SVANidhi beneficiaries and their families, as an additional component of PM SVANidhi Scheme, in the presence of representatives of various Central Ministries and State officials.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020
Under this, a complete profile of each PM SVANidhi beneficiary and their family members will be prepared. Based on the profiled data, benefits of the various eligible Central Schemes would be extended to them for their holistic socio-economic upliftment.
The launch has been in the context that PM SVANidhi scheme should not be seen merely from the perspective of extending loans to street vendors but should also be seen as an instrument for outreach to street vendors and their families for their holistic development and socio-economic upliftment.
In the first phase, 125 cities have been selected for the programme. The profile will identify potential eligibility of beneficiaries and their family members for select Central Government schemes and facilitate linkages.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is implementing Prime Minister Street Vendors AtmaNirbhar Nidhi, PM SVANidhi Scheme since 1st June this year with an objective to provide affordable working capital loan up to 10 thousand rupees to Street Vendors for facilitating resumption of their livelihoods adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.