Q. Which One Does Not Belong to Deuteromycetis? ColletotrichumAlternariaUstilagoTrichoderma Answer: Ustilago
READ MORE +Q. Which One Does Not Belong to Deuteromycetis? ColletotrichumAlternariaUstilagoTrichoderma Answer: Ustilago
READ MORE +Q. Which One Is Sexual Spore? AscosporeZoosporeConidiaSporangiospore Answer: Ascospore
READ MORE +Q. Which Is Not A Part of The Sexual Cycle of Fungi? PlasmogamyMitosisKaryogamyMeiosis Answer: Mitosis
READ MORE +Q. What Causes Red Tide? CeratiumTriceratiumGonyalaxAll of these Answer: Gonyalax
READ MORE +Q. Diatoms Do Not Decay Quickly Because They are ChitinousIt has siliceous wallsDiatoms contain saline soilTheir body is impervious to water Answer: It has siliceous walls
READ MORE +Q. Spirochaetes Are BacteriaA class of virusesA class of insectsFungi Answer: Bacteria
READ MORE +Q. What are Plant Decomposers? Monera and fungiPlantae and fungiMonera and AnimaliaAnimalia and Protista Answer: Monera and fungi.
READ MORE +Q. Genetic Recombination Can Happen in Prokaryotes During TransformationTransductionConjugationAll of these Answer: All of these
READ MORE +Q. Azolla Boosts Soil Fertility of BarleyMaizeRiceWheat Answer: Wheat
READ MORE +Q. Which Is Incorrect for Protista? Missing membrane-bound organellesLinks with several organismsThis kingdom’s boundary is not clearSome have cilia or flagella Answer: Missing membrane-bound organelles