Q. Embryo is not formed in … algaeBryophytesgymnospermpteridophytes Answer: algae
READ MORE +Q. Embryo is not formed in … algaeBryophytesgymnospermpteridophytes Answer: algae
READ MORE +Q. If the seeds are formed from the megasporophylls and not enclosed in a fruits the plant belongs to bryophytespteridophyteangiospermgymnosperm Answer: gymnosperm
READ MORE +Q. The tallest living tree of angiosperm is … wolffia sp.Zamia sp.Eucalyptus sp.sequoia sp. Answer: sequoia sp.
READ MORE +Q. Presence of rigid cell wall is characterized by kingdom… ProtistaplantaemoneraAnimalia Answer: monera
READ MORE +Q. Who classified angiosperms into two classes? theoprattusbentham and hookerAristotleLinnaeus Answer: bentham and hooker
READ MORE +Q. Class dicotyledon is divided into…. 7 sub-classes5 sub-classes3 sub-classes2 sub- classes Answer: 2 sub- classes
READ MORE +Q. Pre-fertilized endosperms is characterstics of …… bryophytesgymnospermsangiospermspteridophyte Answer: gymnosperms
READ MORE +Q. The biggest and dominant group is…… angiospermsgymnospermspteridophytesBryophytes Answer: angiosperms
READ MORE +Q. Which of the fossil member? pinusthujacycasbennettites Answer: bennettites
READ MORE +Q. If Microsporophyll : Stamen, then Megasporophyll : OvuleAntherGynoeciumPollen grains Answer: Gynoecium