Q. Fruiting body is characteristic of… AlgaeLichensBryophytaPteridophyta Answer: Lichens
READ MORE +Q. Fruiting body is characteristic of… AlgaeLichensBryophytaPteridophyta Answer: Lichens
READ MORE +Q. On the basis of structural form lichen are.. CrustoseFolioseFruticoseAll of three Answer: All of three
READ MORE +Q. The study of algae is called MycologyAlgologyTaxonomyLichenology Answer: Algology
READ MORE +Q. TMV virus was discovered by PasteurS L MillerIvanowskyW M Stanley Answer: Ivanowsky
READ MORE +Q. Example of blue green algae is in PlantaeProtistaeMoneraFungi Answer: Protistae
READ MORE +Q. Membranous infolding in bacteria that initiate DNA replication is MesosomesCarboxysomeMagnetosomeNucleosome Answer: Mesosomes
READ MORE +Q. Extra chromosomal,circular ,double stranded ,self replicating DNA molecule in bacteria is called CosmidPlasmidPhasmidPhagemid Answer: Plasmid
READ MORE +Q. Which sentence is true for Bryophytes ? They are autotrophicvascular tissues are absentFertilisation take place in the presence of waterAll of the three Answer: All of the three
READ MORE +Q. Plant of this group possess naked seed PteridophytesAngiospermsGymnospermsBryophytes Answer: Gymnosperms
READ MORE +Q. Symbiotic relationship is found in …. AlgaeFungiBryophytesLichens Answer: Lichens