Q. Autoclaving is carried at Dry heatAtmospheric pressure120oCAll of these Answer: 120oC
READ MORE +Q. Autoclaving is carried at Dry heatAtmospheric pressure120oCAll of these Answer: 120oC
READ MORE +Q. When food material are preserved at a temperature just above freezing temperature, the process is called. FreezingPasteurisationChillingFrosting Answer: Chilling
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following induces dimerisation of thymine? X-rayU.V. raysã-raysNone of these Answer: U.V. rays
READ MORE +Q. Separation of a single bacterial colony iscalle IsolationSeparationPure culturingAll of these Answer: Isolation
READ MORE +Q. Temperature required for pasteurizationis Above 150oCBelow 100oC110oCNone of these Answer: Below 100oC
READ MORE +Q. Elek’s gel diffusion test is used for the detection of Tetani toxinCholera toxinDiophtheria toxinToxoid Answer: Diophtheria toxin
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following is ion iz ingradiation? U.V. rayIRγ-raysNone of these Answer: γ-rays
READ MORE +Q. A culture medium the exact composition of which is not known was called as SimpleComplexDefinedNatural Answer: Simple
READ MORE +Q. The techn ique used to avo id all microorganisms is accomplished by SterlizationDisinfectionSurgical sterilizationDisinfection Sterilization Answer: Sterlization
READ MORE +Q. The method in which the cells are frozendehydrated is called PasteurizationDessicationDisinfectionLypophilization Answer: Lypophilization