Culture Media MCQs
Mannitol Salt agar constitutes of high salt concentration that is used as both selective and differential culture media for the isolation of which of the following gram-positive cocci?

Q. Mannitol Salt agar constitutes of high salt concentration that is used as both selective and differential culture media for the isolation of which of the following gram-positive cocci? Klebsiella sppStreptococcus sppStaphylococcus sppPseudomonas spp Answer: Staphylococcus spp

The metabolic reactions are shown by different bacteria help in the identification and classification of bacteria, which of the following biochemical tests show a negative result for Escherichia Coli?

Q. The metabolic reactions are shown by different bacteria help in the identification and classification of bacteria, which of the following biochemical tests show a negative result for Escherichia Coli? LactoseIndoleCitrateGlucose Answer: Citrate

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