Q. The term 'normal profit' as used in the analysis of equilibrium of the firm under perfect competition, refers to: Earnings of management Reward for enterpriseReward for innovation Residual income of a business ...
READ MORE +Q. The term 'normal profit' as used in the analysis of equilibrium of the firm under perfect competition, refers to: Earnings of management Reward for enterpriseReward for innovation Residual income of a business ...
READ MORE +Q. According to Joseph Schumpeter, profit is the reward for: Innovation Uncertainty-bearingRisk-taking Management Answer: Innovation
READ MORE +Q. Who argued that pure profit can arise only in a dynamic economy? F.H. Knight J.B. ClarkBohm Bawerk Alfred Marshall Answer: J.B. Clark
READ MORE +Q. The classical theory explained interest as a reward for: A. Parting with liquidity B. ...
READ MORE +Q. The demand for liquidity preference is governed by: A. Transaction motives B. Precautionary motives ...
READ MORE +Q. On which of the following does the demand for money for speculative motive mainly depend? Income ProfitsRate of interest General price level Answer: Rate of interest
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following purposes normally does not give rise to the demand for loan able funds? Consumption SavingInvestment Hoarding Answer: Saving
READ MORE +Q. A factor of production, whose supply is fixed in the short run, may get additional earnings. These earnings are generally referred to as: Surplus value Quasi-rentTransfer ...
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following factors forms the basis of the Loan able Funds Theory of Interest? A. Monetary factors B. ...
READ MORE +Q. In the context of the firm as a whole, quasi-rent is defined as the excess of the total receipts over the total: Fixed costAverage costFixed and variable cost Variable cost Answer: Variable cost