Embryonal protection and care are better in Option 1 : OviparityOption 2 : ParthenogenesisOption 3 : ViviparityOption 4 : Polyembryony
READ MORE +Embryonal protection and care are better in Option 1 : OviparityOption 2 : ParthenogenesisOption 3 : ViviparityOption 4 : Polyembryony
READ MORE +Select the false statement. Option 1 : Ovule develops into seedOption 2 : Ovary develops into fruitOption 3 : Zygote develops into embryoOption 4 : Placenta develops into pericarp
READ MORE +Gametes in haploid organisms are produced by Option 1 : MeiosisOption 2 : CleavageOption 3 : MitosisOption 4 : Amitosis
READ MORE +The chances of survival of the young one is greater in Option 1 : Internal fertilizationOption 2 : External fertilizationOption 3 : Oviparous animalsOption 4 : Viviparous animals
READ MORE +After fertilization which part of flower generally withers and falls off? Option 1 : SepalsOption 2 : PetalsOption 3 : StamensOption 4 : All of these
READ MORE +Life in all organism starts from Option 1 : Single cell zygoteOption 2 : Two celled zygoteOption 3 : Single cell embryoOption 4 : Multicellular embryo
READ MORE +In oviparous animals like birds and reptiles the fertilized egg is covered by shell made up of _____. Option 1 : Na2CO3Option 2 : CaCO3Option 3 : MgCO3Option 4 : SiO2
READ MORE +Select the total number of true statements. (A) In organisms belonging to fungi and algae, the zygote develops a thick wall that is resistant to dessication and damage.(B) Formation of diploid zygote is universal in all sexually reproducing organisms.(C) Syngamy occurs inside the body of the ...
READ MORE +Development of embryo from zygote is Option 1 : GastrulationOption 2 : BlastulationOption 3 : ParthenogenesisOption 4 : Embryogenesis
READ MORE +Internal fertilization is seen in Option 1 : MammalsOption 2 : ReptilesOption 3 : BirdsOption 4 : All of these