gate questions
“Popular Hindi fiction, despite – or perhaps because of – its wide reach, often does not appear in our cinema. As ideals that viewers are meant to look up to rather than identify with

Q. “Popular Hindi fiction, despite – or perhaps because of – its wide reach, often does not appear in our cinema. As ideals that viewers are meant to look up to rather than identify with, Hindi film protagonists usually read books of aspirational value: textbooks, English books, or high value ...

An oil tank can be filled by pipe X in 5 hours and pipe Y in 4 hours, each pump working on its own. When the oil tank is full and the drainage hole is open, the oil is drained in 20 hours

Q. An oil tank can be filled by pipe X in 5 hours and pipe Y in 4 hours, each pump working on its own. When the oil tank is full and the drainage hole is open, the oil is drained in 20 hours. If initially the tank was empty and someone started the two pumps together but left the drainage hole ...

The Newspaper reports that over 500 hectares of tribal land spread across 28 tribal settlements in Mohinitampuram forest division have already been “alienated”

Q. The Newspaper reports that over 500 hectares of tribal land spread across 28 tribal settlements in Mohinitampuram forest division have already been “alienated”. A top forest official said, “First the tribals are duped out of their land holdings. Second, the families thus rendered landless are ...

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