Geography Notes
Minor Relief Features

Apart from the above-mentioned major relief features of the ocean floor, some minor but significant features predominate in different parts of the oceans. These are thermal vents of various types, gas vents, submarine caves, and channel-like depressions. Mid-Oceanic Ridges A mid-oceanic ...

Divisions of the Ocean Floors

The ocean floors are part of the major divisions of the oceans of the world. The ocean floors can be divided into four major divisions: (i) the Continental Shelf; (ii) the Continental Slope; (iii) the Deep Sea Plain; 4) the Oceanic Deeps. Continental Shelf: The continental shelf is the ...

Relief of the Ocean Floor

The oceanic ridge is the site of frequent earthquakes. Volcanism is common in ocean ridges and it produces many relief features. Scattered over the entire sea floor are thousands of submerged volcanoes with sharp tops called seamounts. The oceans, unlike the continents, merge so naturally ...

Hydrological Cycle – Geography

Water is the only substance found at all three levels of the earth (surface, subsurface and atmosphere). The hydrological cycle is a process of circulation of a fluid through a system of a closed-loop. It happens due to the conservation of energy and momentum. This makes sure that water will ...

Climate change – Geography

Climate change is causing severe problems for plant and animal species around the globe. It is largely caused by the emission of greenhouse gases, which cause the atmosphere to retain more heat. Scientists are concerned about climate change because its effects are far-reaching. Animals are ...

World Distribution of Rainfall

Rainfall refers to the one of water, which evaporates from the land and sea surface and falls again in the form of precipitation. Precipitation is defined as any form of water bodies such as frozen snow, hail, ice, etc., which fall from the sky; while the term 'rainfall' means all forms of water ...

Types of Rainfall – Geography

Convectional rainfall or vapor-induced rainfall is caused by the rising of air caused due to its expansion from adiabatic cooling, resulting in the expulsion of moisture from the rising air. It is more commonly known as Steam-induced rain, especially if it is associated with a surface steam ...

Precipitation – Geography

Precipitation is the process of continuous condensation in free air. The condensed particles grow in size and fall onto the earth's surface. It rains due to the disruption of the temperature gradient and continuous condensation. The heat from the earth's surface is incapable of entering into ...

Evaporation And Condensation

Evaporation is the phenomenon in which an individual substance is transformed into gas. It occurs in almost all cases in nature, but during this process, some latent heat is also released, which causes the transformation of water to occur in a continuous manner. Latent heat in vaporisation ...

Water in the Atmosphere – Geography

Water is present in the atmosphere in three forms namely – gaseous, liquid and solid. The moisture in the atmosphere is derived from water bodies through evaporation and from plants through transpiration. Water vapour present in the air is known as humidity. Solid form of water is one which you ...

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