Geography Notes
Thunderstorms and Tornadoes

A thunderstorm is a storm that produces lightning and thunder, and sometimes heavy rain. Due to the lightning and thunder of a passing storm, it is often referred to as a squall line or a lightning storm. Depending on the nature of the lightning, a thunderstorm may be called a thunder and ...

General Circulation of the Atmosphere

Since the atmosphere is heated from above by direct solar radiation, it heats the Earth's surface unevenly. The tropics are hot, but are hotter further south due to proximity to the equator. The extra heat makes the air rise there. The hot air moves away from the equatorial regions, generally ...

Forces Affecting the Velocity and Direction of Wind

Wind is a meteorological phenomenon in which there is a flow of air in the atmosphere, called wind. It happens when the sun heats the ground or ocean or water to a temperature higher than that of adjacent regions. This difference in temperature generates thermal currents, i.e., an uneven ...

World Distribution of Sea Level Pressure

Sea level pressure is a measurement that is done in millibars or hectopascals. It is also known as atmospheric pressure. It is the average pressure of the air over a given area. Along 30° N and 30° S are found the high-pressure areas known as the subtropical highs. Further pole wards along 60° ...

Atmospheric Pressure – Geography

Atmospheric pressure is the force exerted on a surface by the weight of air above that surface. The total atmospheric pressure at sea level is the average of the air pressure at the Earth's surface and the air pressure at sea level. The atmospheric pressure is expressed in units of milibar. At ...

Inversion of Temperature

Inversion of temperature is a meteorological condition in which a layer of warm air is situated above a layer of cooler air at the same height. This situation affects stability in the atmosphere and restricts the vertical mixing of atmospheric constituents. Inversions occur when warm air is ...

Temperature – Solar Radiation

Temperature is a measure of how hot (or cold) a thing is. We measure temperatures with thermometers to give us the numerical value that we know as temperature. The major units of measuring temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit. Factors Controlling Temperature Distribution The variations of ...

Heat Budget of the Planet Earth

The earth receives energy in the form of solar radiation. The incoming solar energy passes through the atmosphere, enters the surface (land or ocean), and eventually appears as land or ocean heating. At the same time, the earth emits longwave (infrared) radiation to space, mainly due to thermal ...

Terrestrial Radiation – Solar Radiation

The insolation received by the earth is in short waveforms and heats up its surface. The earth, after being heated itself becomes a radiating body and radiates energy to the atmosphere in the long waveform. This energy heats up the atmosphere from below. This process is known as terrestrial ...

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