Geography Notes
Geomorphic Processes – Geography

The exogenic forces include climatic, erosional and depositional agents which work on the earth's surface. Climatic agencies such as heat, rain and wind which work through seepage and motion of air to dissolve, disintegrate and dislodge the materials. The phenomenon of wearing down of relief ...

Rock Cycle – Minerals and Rocks

The rock cycle is a basic concept in geology that describes transitions through geologic time among the three main rock types: sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous. However, the terms used to identify the three types of rocks and their corresponding processes may be somewhat confusing. So, here ...

Rocks – Minerals and Rocks

A rock is any naturally occurring solid mass of mineral matter. It may be solidified molten magma or sediments, but it most commonly consists of minerals. Rock may be hard or soft and in varied colours. For example, granite is hard, soapstone is soft. Petrology is the science of rocks. Rocks ...

Non-Metallic Minerals – Minerals and Rocks

Several non-metallic mineral deposits are covered by this survey, including stone quarries/clay and sand pits; chemical and fertiliser mineral deposits; salt deposits; and deposits of quartz, gypsum, natural gem stones, asphalt and bitumen, peat and other non-metallic minerals other than coal and ...

Metallic Minerals: – Minerals and Rocks

There are huge amounts of metallic minerals discovered every year. This is because many of the deposits are quite common, including sulfide deposits (pyrite, sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, etc.) and oxide deposits (uranium, bauxite). Metallic minerals were formed originally during the ...

Minerals and Rocks – Geography

The earth crust which is the outer solid shell of the earth belongs to the rocky soils. These soils are composed of inorganic solids, that is compounds that do not depend on the presence of living organisms for existence. Minerals are also inorganic solids but they differ from rocks in their ...

Some Major Minerals and their Characteristics

Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic solids with a chemical composition that is fixed. Solids are called minerals when they are in their pure, natural state. Minerals are found in the earth's crust, either in pure or impure form, or they exist in seawater or underground water. Feldspar ...

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