Geography Notes
Location of India : Geography

India is situated in the continent of Asia. It lies completely in the Northern hemisphere and Eastern hemisphere between latitudes 84′ N and 37°6’N and longitudes 68°7′ E and 97°25′ E. India is divided by Tropic of Cancer 23°30′ N in almost two equal parts. The upper half has a temperate cooler ...

Population Composition : Geography

The composition of the population is the structure of the population with various aspects such as sex, age, literacy level, health condition, occupation and income level. It also helps to find the population size with the aid of a table showing the relationship between these aspects. In ...

Population Change : Geography

Population Change is the change in the number of people during a specific time period. The change may be caused by natural deaths, births, immigration, or emigration. The rate of population change can be measured by birth rate, death rate, or net migration rate. There are two types of ...

Factor Affecting Distribution of Population: Geography Factor

Topography: People refers to live on plains because these areas are suitable for farming, manufacturing and service activities. The topography of a country is a very important factor that affects the population concentration of a particular area. Countries that have the highest percentage of area ...

Density of Population

Population density is the number of people per unit of area, usually quoted per square kilometer or square mile, and which may include or exclude for example areas of water or glaciers. The average density of population in different countries is very different. Generally, the density of ...

Distribution of Population

The pattern of population distribution refers to the way in which people are spread across the earth's surface. According to this pattern, more people generally live near the equator and fewer people inhabit areas toward the poles. The distribution of population in the world is extremely ...

Human Resources : Geography

People are the center of any organization’s success, without them, the right initiatives cannot be implemented successfully. People are a nation’s greatest resource. It is people with their skills and abilities that turn them into ‘resources’. Hence, human resource is the ultimate resource. A ...

Distribution of Major Industries

The most important industries are the large-scale, highly developed industries that are able to produce not only for the domestic market but also for trade on the international market. Globalization requires strong exports. The top four industries of the world are Textile Industry, Iron and ...

Industrial Regions : Geography

Industrial regions are central places in industrial districts. They are characterized by the geographical concentration of industries, the high density of firms producing similar products, high levels of circulation of people and goods, sharing labour among firms in the same industry, etc. ...

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