Q. Human Rights of children – Right to protectionRight to participationRight to survivalAll of the above Answer: All of the above
READ MORE +Q. Human Rights of children – Right to protectionRight to participationRight to survivalAll of the above Answer: All of the above
READ MORE +Q. SAARC stands for- South Asian Association for Regional CooperationSouth Asian Association for Remedy CooperationSouthern An Association for Regional CooperationNone of the above Answer: A South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following are theories of Human rights? Natural law theoryHistorical theorySocial welfare theoryAll of the above Answer: All of the above
READ MORE +Q. ‘Laissez faire’ philosophy is an anti thesis of Interventionist StateRepressive StateSoft StateWelfare State Answer: Welfare State
READ MORE +Q. The legal positivism, a school of thought which does not accept human rights as merely moral or just was propounded by PlatoAristotleHegelAustin Answer: Austin
READ MORE +Q. Which Amendment introduced the word ‘secular’ in the Preamble of Indian Constitution? 44th42nd93rd16th Answer: 42nd
READ MORE +Q. Fundamental Duties are contained in Part IV Article 51-APart IV Article 51-BPart III Article 35Part III Article 17 Answer: Part IV Article 51-A
READ MORE +Q. Who among the following propounded the modern principles of Natural Justice? LockeJ.S. MillA.V. DiceyJohn Rawals Answer: A.V. Dicey
READ MORE +Q. The UN Sub-Commission on ‘The Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities’ wasestablished in 1947 by General AssemblySecurity CouncilCommission on Human RightsInternational Court of Justice Answer: Commission on Human Rights
READ MORE +Q. Guidelines for arrest of persons by the police were given by the Supreme Court in which of the following cases? Maneka Gandhi vs. Union of IndiaAuto Sankar vs. State of Tamil NaduHussainara Khatoon vs. State of BiharD. K. Basu vs. State of West Bengal Answer: D. K. Basu vs. State of West ...