Q. Who was the founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross? Henry DunantF. LieberRousseauNone of the above Answer: Henry Dunant
READ MORE +Q. Who was the founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross? Henry DunantF. LieberRousseauNone of the above Answer: Henry Dunant
READ MORE +Q. Right to Education is guaranteed under Article 141921-A21 Answer: 21-A
READ MORE +Q. Which one of the Schedules of the Constitution given below deals with recognised languages? Schedule 8Schedule 7Schedule 12Schedule 9 Answer: Schedule 8
READ MORE +Q. Which one of the following statements is not correct about the Refugees? They are outside their countryFear of persecutionAbsence of National protectionPoverty as reason of being outside the country Answer: Poverty as reason of being outside the country
READ MORE +Q. Who coined the term ‘Genocide’? Raphael LemkinEleanor RooseveltP ThornberryJafferson Answer: Raphael Lemkin
READ MORE +Q. The International Criminal Court (ICC) Review Conference, 2010 held at ParisKampalaThe HagueRio de Janeiro Answer: Kampala
READ MORE +Q. Which Article of the Third Geneva Convention of 1949 defines the prisoners of War? Article 1Article 2Article 3Article 4 Answer: Article 4
READ MORE +Q. Which one of the following is not a UN Agency? UNICEFUNESCOWTOILO Answer: WTO
READ MORE +Q. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted on December 1, 1948December 10, 1948December 11, 1948December 31, 1948 Answer: December 10, 1948
READ MORE +Q. Who introduced the concept of third generation Human Rights? Tullius CeseroJermy BenthamJohn FinnisKarel Vasak Answer: Karel Vasak