Research Methodology MCQs
What does ‘sampling cases’ mean?

Q. What does ‘sampling cases’ mean? Sampling using a sampling frameIdentifying people who are suitable for researchLiterally, the researcher’s brief-caseSampling people, newspapers, television programmes etc Answer: Sampling people, newspapers, television programmes etc.

A deductive theory is one that

Q. A deductive theory is one that Allows theory to emerge out of the dataInvolves testing an explicitly defined hypothesisAllows for findings to feed back into the stock of knowledgeUses qualitative methods whenever possible Answer: Involves testing an explicitly defined hypothesis

Which comes first, theory or research?

Q. Which comes first, theory or research? Theory, because otherwise you are working in the darkResearch, because that’s the only way you can develop a theoryIt depends on your point of viewThe question is meaningless, because you can’t have one without the other Answer: It depends on your ...

Bibliography given in a research report

Q. Bibliography given in a research report Helps those interested in further research and studying the problem from another angleShows the vast knowledge of the researcherMakes the report authenticNone of the above Answer: Helps those interested in further research and studying the problem ...

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