Factors Affecting Location of Industries:

Factors affecting the location of industries are important to the study of industrial location. These factors are basic elements for the setting up of an industry, which determines the locational choices for this plant. These factors include the availability of raw material, land, water, labour, ...

Ownership of the Industries

On the basis of ownership, industries can be classified into the following sectors: (a) Private sector, (b) Public sector or state-owned, (c) Joint sector, (d) Cooperative sector. Private Sector Industries: Private sector includes privately owned business enterprises. Public sector or state ...

Classification of Industries

Raw Material: Industries under this are agro-based, mineral-based marine-based, and forest-based. The industry is a system of production and distribution of goods and services through the private or public sector. It provides a way of life for hundreds of people, which includes manpower, ...

Industries : Geography

Secondary activities are those activities that change raw materials into products of more value. They include services that complement primary activities.  For example, manufacturing is a primary activity where it involves converting inputs into outputs of higher value to make goods or provide ...

Major Crops : Agriculture

Wheat: Wheat is a cereal grain that is widely cultivated in many parts of the world. Wheat has been one of the most important staple food among human beings for ages. It has high nutritional value. The major producers of wheat are the USA, Canada, Argentina, Russia, Ukraine, Australia, and India. ...

Type of Farming : Agriculture

Subsistence Farming: Subsistence farming is often carried out in areas with marginal soil fertility. The subsistence farmer grows what he needs to eat, but usually not enough to sell or even store for later use. The goal is to sustain the farmer and his family, not to maximize profits. Because of ...

Farm System : Agriculture

Agriculture or farming is a system in which seeds, fertilizers, machinery and labour are important inputs. Agriculture is also considered one of the longest-running systems known to mankind. People started cultivating land in ancient times because it provided them with food, clothing and shelter. ...

Agriculture : Geography

In an economy, there are three types of economic activities: primary, secondary and tertiary. The primary activities include agriculture, forestry and related activities including hunting and fishing. These activities provide a foundation to the economies through the production of food, fuel ...

Tidal Energy: Non-conventional Sources of Energy

Tidal energy relies on the difference in height (or the tidal range) between high and low tides over a given time period. The larger the difference in height, or tidal range, is, the more potential energy can be harnessed to produce electricity. Although tidal power will never be a major source ...

Geo-Thermal Energy: Non-conventional Sources of Energy

A simple definition of geothermal energy is heat energy obtained from the earth. It may surface itself through the form of hot springs which have been used for cooking, heating and bathing. The temperature in the interior of the earth rises steadily with depth. Like other forms of renewable ...

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