Space Current Affairs
Russia to launch own space station in 2025

Russia's space agency hoped to launch its own orbital station in 2025 as Moscow considers withdrawing from the International Space Station programme to go it alone. Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2021 Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin said work had begun on the first module of a new station, after ...

A flurry of Mars missions

Going to Mars is non-trivial, since both planets revolve around the Sun and are hence in constant motion relative to each other. Earth and Mars are at their closest distance relative to each other every 26 months — and this is when Earthlings try to send missions to Mars. NASA’s Perseverance ...

Square Kilometre Array Observatory

An intergovernmental organisation called the SKA Observatory was launched in order to give a push to radio astronomy. Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2021 The Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO) project, spanning two continents and involving the participation of 20 countries, is expected to ...

Geminids Meteor Shower 2020

The Geminids meteor shower, believed to be the strongest of the year, is active from December 4-December 20, with December 13 and 14 considered to be the best nights for viewing these meteor showers. Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020 Key-Points The Geminids meteor showers are unique because ...

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