ssc reasoning
If ‘ +’ means ‘ -’, ‘ -’ means ‘ x’, ‘ x’ means ‘÷’ and ‘÷ ’ means ‘ +’, then what will be the value of following expression? 14 – 3 + 10 x 5 ÷5

QuestionIf ‘ +’ means ‘ -’, ‘ -’ means ‘ x’, ‘ x’ means ‘÷’ and ‘÷ ’ means ‘ +’, then what will be the value of following expression? 14 – 3 + 10 x 5 ÷5Typemultiple_choiceOption65incorrectOption48incorrectOption45correctOption40incorrectSolution14 × 3 – 10 ÷ 5 + 5 42 – 2 + 5 = 45

If @ denotes ‘ ÷’, # denotes ‘ ×’, S denotes ‘ +’ and % denotes ‘–’, then what will be the value of the following expression? 18 # 2 @ 2 S 18 % 18

QuestionIf @ denotes ‘ ÷’, # denotes ‘ ×’, S denotes ‘ +’ and % denotes ‘–’, then what will be the value of the following expression? 18 # 2 @ 2 S 18 % 18Typemultiple_choiceOption0incorrectOption2incorrectOption36incorrectOption18correctSolution18 × 2 ÷ 2 + 18 – 18 18

Select the correct combination of mathematical signs that can sequentially replace the * signs and make the given equation correct. 22 *110 * 392 * 49 * 18 * 12

QuestionSelect the correct combination of mathematical signs that can sequentially replace the * signs and make the given equation correct. 22 *110 * 392 * 49 * 18 * 12Typemultiple_choiceOption+, ÷, =, –, ×incorrectOption+, =, ÷, ×, –correctOption=, –, +, ÷, ×incorrectOption=, ×, +, ÷, ...

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