QuestionAt which of the following places, the Pole Star appears at the highest angle inTypemultiple_choiceOptionSandakfuincorrectOptionFalutcorrectOptionDarjeelingincorrectOptionKalimpongincorrect
READ MORE +QuestionAt which of the following places, the Pole Star appears at the highest angle inTypemultiple_choiceOptionSandakfuincorrectOptionFalutcorrectOptionDarjeelingincorrectOptionKalimpongincorrect
READ MORE +QuestionWhich of the following is in the correct descending order of the districts of West Bengal in terms of area (201 I )?Typemultiple_choiceOptionPaschim Medinipur – Burdwan – BankuraincorrectOptionPaschim Medinipur-Burdwan-South 24 ParganasincorrectOptionSouth 24 Parganas-Paschim ...
READ MORE +QuestionWhich of the following is in the correct descending order of the districts of West Bengal in terms of sex ratio (2011)?Typemultiple_choiceOptionDarjeeling-Paschim ...
READ MORE +QuestionDamodar river rises fromTypemultiple_choiceOptionRajmahal plateauincorrectOptionChotanagpur plateaucorrectOptionthe HimalayasincorrectOptionthe Eastern GhatsincorrectSolutionThe Damodar is a rain fed river. It originates in Khamarpat Hill on Chotanagpur Plateau in Jharkhand.
READ MORE +QuestionThe distance from the north to the south of West Bengal is approximate-Typemultiple_choiceOption600 kmincorrectOption700 kmcorrectOption800 kmincorrectOption400 kmincorrect
READ MORE +QuestionThe plains at the foot of the Darjeeling Himalayas is known as___in Darjeeling district of West BengalTypemultiple_choiceOptionDuarsincorrectOptionTeraicorrectOptionRarhincorrectOptionBarindincorrect
READ MORE +QuestionThe major portion of the West Bengal plateau lies in the district ofTypemultiple_choiceOptionMedinipurincorrectOptionMurshidabadincorrectOptionPuruliacorrectOptionBarddhamanincorrectSolutionThe Western plateau and adjacent uplands encompass Purulia district in its entirety, as well as the ...
READ MORE +QuestionJalpaiguri is situated on the banks of which rivers?Typemultiple_choiceOptionTista and KorlacorrectOptionJaldhaka and TorsaincorrectOptionTista and JaldhakaincorrectOptionTista and Raidakincorrect
READ MORE +QuestionIn Darjeeling district of West Bengal temperate forests occur at an elevation ofTypemultiple_choiceOption1000 mtsincorrectOption1200 mtsincorrectOption1500 mtscorrectOption2000 mtsincorrect
READ MORE +QuestionWhich is the easternmost river of the North Bengal Plains?Typemultiple_choiceOptionTorsaincorrectOptionRaidakcorrectOptionMechiincorrectOptionPaglaincorrectSolutionRaidak, located in the easternmost part of the North Bengal plains, is a significant tributary of the Brahmaputra River.