west bengal gk
The Paradise of Nations was known as–

Delhi Sultanate Bengal Subah Bengal Presidency Bengal Sultanate Answer: Bengal Subah Explanation: The Bengal Subah held the Mughal Empire's most extensive regional economy, often referred to as the "paradise of nations." This flourishing region was renowned for exporting various ...

Who was the last independent Nawab of Bengal?

Yasim Khan Siraj-Ud-Daulah Mir Keshav Shah Mir Ali Answer: Siraj-Ud-Daulah Explanation: Mir Jafar, Rai Durlabh, and Yar Lutuf Khan gathered their troops near the battlefield, but they abstained from participating in the Battle of Plassey. Instead, a small force led by Mahanlal and ...

Who defeated Pala Dynasty?

Hindu Sena Dynasty Mlechchha dynasty Chole dynasty Chalukya Answer: Hindu Sena Dynasty Explanation: The resurgent Hindu Sena dynasty dethroned the Pala Empire in the 12th century, ending the reign of the last major Buddhist imperial power in the Indian subcontinent. The Pala ...

Which Sanskrit literature was based on Ramapala?

Harshacharita Raktacharita Ramacharita None of the above Answer: Ramacharita Explanation: Ramapala, the last important Pala king, did much to strengthen the dynasty in Bengal and expanded its power in Assam and Orissa; he is the hero of a Sanskrit historical poem, the Ramacarita ...

What was the capital of Vardhana Dynasty?

Kanauj Magadha Thaneshwar Malwa Answer: Thaneshwar Explanation: Vardhana dynasty with his capital at Thaneswar. After Prabhakar Vardhana’s death in 605, his eldest son, Rajya Vardhana, ascended the throne who was happened to be the younger brother to Harsha Vardhana.

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