west bengal gk
Who is regarded as the most powerful Pala ruler?

Gopala Dharmapala Devapala Mahipala I Answer: King Dharmapala's son 'Devapala' was the third king and the most powerful Pala ruler. He ruled from 810-850 CE. Explanation: King Dharmapala's son 'Devapala' was the third king and the most powerful Pala ruler. He ruled from 810-850 ...

Who was the last independent Sultan of Bengal?

Hussain Shah Ghiyasuddin Mahmud Shah Muscat Shah Ilyas Shah Answer: Ghiyasuddin Mahmud Shah Explanation: Sher Shah Suri brought an end to the reign of the last independent Sultan of Bengal, Ghiyasuddin Mahmud Shah, through his demise. Consequently, Sher Shah Suri established ...

Consider the following statements

Q. Consider the following statements 1. Pundra dynasty was in Northern Bengal. 2. Paundraka Vasudeva was a legendary leader of Pundra dynasty. 3.Vasudeva united the three regions, i.e. Pundra, Vanga and Kirata. Which of the statements given above is/are correct. Only 1 Both 1 ...

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