The average present age of Anusha, Nila and Diya is 36 years. If the ratio of the ages of Nila and Diya after 4 years

The average present age of Anusha, Nila and Diya is 36 years. If the ratio of the ages of Nila and Diya after 4 years is 10:13 and Anusha is 24 years younger than Diya, then find the present age of Nila?

A.            26 years

B.            36 years

C.            46 years

D.            56 years

E.            None of these


Anusha +Nila + Diya = 36 * 3 = 108

Nila + 4 = 10x

Diya + 4 = 13x

Anusha = 13x – 4 – 24

10x – 4 + 13x – 4 + 13x – 28 = 108

36x = 144

x = 4

Present age of Nila = 40 – 4 = 36 years

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