The first Round Table Conference was held in

Q. The first Round Table Conference was held in

(a) London

(b) Edinburgh

(c) Dublin

(d) Kolkata.

Ans: (a) London

Explanation: The first Round Table Conference was held in (a) London.

The first Round Table Conference was organized in London, the capital of the United Kingdom. It took place from November 12, 1930, to January 19, 1931.

The Round Table Conferences were a series of meetings between the British government and various Indian political leaders to discuss constitutional reforms and the future of India. These conferences were a significant attempt by the British to address the demands for self-governance and political representation from various sections of Indian society.

During the first Round Table Conference, Indian leaders from different political backgrounds, including representatives of the Indian National Congress, the Muslim League, and other minority groups, participated in the discussions. However, due to various reasons, including disagreements over representation and demands, the first Round Table Conference did not lead to a satisfactory outcome.

Overall, the first Round Table Conference was held in London to provide a platform for Indian political leaders to engage in discussions on the future of India’s governance and constitutional reforms.

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