Ministry of Tribal Affairs has received SKOCH Gold Award for its “Empowerment of Tribals through IT enabled Scholarship Schemes” project of Scholarship Divison of the Ministry. The 66th SKOCH 2020 Competition was entitled “INDIA RESPONDS TO COVID THROUGH DIGITAL GOVERNANCE” and MoTA chose to participate in DIGITAL INDIA & E-GOVERNANCE 2020 Competition and the awards were announced on 30th July, 2020.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020
This project is a step towards achieving unwavering commitment of Government of India towards realizing the dreams of Digital India and bringing transparency as well as ease in the delivery of services.
To assimilate with the larger vision of ‘Digital India’ and to realize the cherished goal of e-governance, MoTA hasintegrated all 5 Scholarship Schemes with DBT Portal under the guidance of DBT Mission.
The project is implemented by IIPA and would help in understanding the aspirations of tribal youth and help in realizing their cherished dream to develop as entrepreneurs, researchers and flag-bearers of schemes of Government of India meant for welfare for STs.
SKOCH Gold Award
It was instituted in 2003 and recognises people, projects and institutions that go the extra mile to make India a better nation.
It recognises the best of efforts in the area of digital, financial and social inclusion, governance, inclusive growth, excellence in technology and applications, change management, corporate leadership, corporate governance, citizen service delivery, capacity building and empowerment.