Uttarakhand state government has launched the Mukhyamantri Anchal Amrit Yojana in Dehradun on 13 March 2020. Under this scheme, government will provide nutritious milk once in a week to children studying in class 1st to 8th under Mid Day Meal Scheme.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020
Around 1,72,000 children studying in Anganwadi schools are being provided with milk 4 times in a week. Now 6,90,000 children from 17,045 schools will also be provided milk once a week.
The children would get proper nutrition through this initiative which would help in curbing the menace of malnutrition.
There are around 20,000 Anganwadi kendras in the state of Uttarakhand and flavoured, sweet and skimmed milk powder is given to children at these centers.
The children between 3 to 6 years of age are getting free milk under Mukhyamantri Anchal Amrit Yojana in Uttarakhand. Now class 1 to 8 students will also get this nutritious milk.
From this sahkarita abhiyan, the undernourished children studying at Anganwadi centers would be provided proper nutrition in the upcoming years.