Which of the following statements is/are correct with reference to the Indian Naval Fast Attack Craft (IN FAC) T-81?
A. The 25 meters long vessel with 60 tonnes displacement was built at Goa Shipyard Ltd in collaboration with M/s Ramta of Israel.
B. She was commissioned into the Indian Navy in 2015.
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Indian Naval Fast Attack Craft (IN FAC) T-81 of Super Dvora MK II class was decommissioned after serving the nation successfully for over 20 years. The 25 meters long vessel with 60 tonnes displacement was built at Goa Shipyard Ltd in collaboration with M/s Ramta of Israel. She was commissioned into the Indian Navy in 1999. The ship, specially designed for shallow waters, could achieve speeds up to 45 knots and had the capability of day/night surveillance and reconnaissance, Search & Rescue, beach insertion, extraction of Marine Commandoes and high speed interception of intruder craft.