Which Sultan of Delhi brought Ashoka’s pillar to Delhi?

Q. Which Sultan of Delhi brought Ashoka’s pillar to Delhi?
(a) Qutab-ud-din Aibak
(b) Jalaluddin Khilji
(c) Firoz Shah Tughlaq
(d) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq
Ans: (c) Firoz Shah Tughlaq


The correct answer is (c) Firoz Shah Tughlaq.

Firoz Shah Tughlaq, the Sultan of Delhi from 1351 to 1388, was responsible for bringing Ashoka’s pillar to Delhi. The pillar, known as the Ashoka Pillar, was originally erected by Emperor Ashoka during the Mauryan period in the 3rd century BCE. It was initially placed in the ancient city of Topra in present-day Haryana, India.

Firoz Shah Tughlaq, known for his interest in historical artifacts and architectural projects, had the Ashoka Pillar transported to Delhi and installed it in his newly constructed palace complex known as Firoz Shah Kotla. The pillar remains standing in Delhi to this day, known as the Ashoka Pillar at Firoz Shah Kotla.

Therefore, option (c) Firoz Shah Tughlaq is the correct answer as the Sultan of Delhi who brought Ashoka’s pillar to Delhi.

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