
World Civil Defence Day 2023 celebrated on 01st March

World Civil Defence Day 2023 celebrated on 01st March

World Civil Defence Day 2023: The 1st of March is designated as World Civil Defence Day to raise awareness about the importance of civil defence measures in protecting people and property from natural disasters, accidents, and other emergencies. The day honours the work of several civil defence organisations. The day also recognises the efforts put in by the organisations in protecting communities and saving lives. The day also honours civil defence personnel, who work tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of their communities.

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World Civil Defence Day 2023: Theme

The theme for this year is “Uniting the world’s leading specialists for the safety and security of future generations”. The theme is based on the interest and importance of the role of technical systems, technological applications, and artificial intelligence techniques in determining risks related to civil protection and civil defence.

World Civil Defence Day 2023: Significance

The theme for this year is “Uniting the world’s leading specialists for the safety and security of future generations”. World Civil Defence Day highlights the importance of civil defence measures taken to protect people and communities from disasters. It provides an opportunity for governments, civil society organisations, and individuals to review and assess their preparedness plans and identify areas for improvement.

World Civil Defence Day: History

In 1931, French Surgeon-General George Saint-Paul founded the Association of Geneva Zones. He was badly affected by the horrors of the First World War and thus aimed to create safety zones where people could seek protection in times of war. World Civil Defence Day was first celebrated in the year 1990 by the International Civil Defence Organisation (ICDO).

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