The World Minorities Rights Day is observed every year on December 18, to safeguard the Constitutionally-guaranteed rights of religious minorities.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020
United Nations on December 18, 1992 adopted and broadcast the Statement on the individual’s Rights belonging to religious or Linguistic National or Ethnic Minorities. The same year the National Commission for Minorities was set up by the Government of India.
The Ministry of Minority Affairs was established in January 26, 2006. It was carved out of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
The day is celebrated by the National Commission for Minorities in India which focuses on religious harmony, respect, and a better understanding of all minorities’ communities.
The Constitution of India provides equal rights for all citizens and safeguards the rights of linguistic, ethnic, cultural, and religious minorities. It also has provisions for economically or socially disadvantaged people, including the people of scheduled tribes and scheduled castes.