MCQs on History of Computers | Computers & IT MCQs

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

1. Integrated Circuit Chip in computer is made of_______.
  1. Cromium
  2. Iron oxide
  3. Silicon
  4. Silica

Answer: Silicon

2. How many major companies around the world manufacture microprocessors?
  1. Only one company
  2. Tow companies
  3. Three companies
  4. Many companies

Answer: Tow companies

3. Which generation of computer used Power-Book and Pentium microprocessor for the first time?
  1. Third Generation
  2. Fourth Generation
  3. Fifth Generation
  4. Sixth Generation

Answer: Sixth Generation computer (1990 – till Now)

4. What are the three decisions making operations performed by the ALU of a computer?
  1. Grater than
  2. Less than
  3. Equal to
  4. All of the above

Answer: All of the above

5. Machine language is
  1. Machine dependent
  2. Difficult to program
  3. Error prone
  4. All of above

Answer: All of above

6. Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers
  1. First Generation
  2. Second Generation
  3. Third Generation
  4. Fourth Generation

Answer: Fourth Generation

7. Computer is free from tiresome and boardoom. We call it
  1. Accuracy
  2. Reliability
  3. Diligence
  4. Versatility

Answer: Diligence

8. Properly arranged data is called
  1. Field
  2. Words
  3. Information
  4. File

Answer: Information

9. A compiler is a translating program which
  1. Translates instruction of a high level language into machine language
  2. Translates entire source program into machine language program
  3. It is not involved in program’s execution
  4. All of above

Answer: All of above

10. A byte consists of
  1. One bit
  2. Four bits
  3. Eight bits
  4. Sixteen bits

Answer: Eight bits

11. CD-ROM is a
  1. Semiconductor memory
  2. Memory register
  3. Magnetic memory
  4. None of above

Answer: None of above

12. The main electronic component used in first generation computers was
  1. Transistors
  2. Vacuum Tubes and Valves
  3. Integrated Circuits
  4. None of above

Answer: Vacuum Tubes and Valves

13. A high quality CAD system uses the following for printing drawing and graphs
  1. Dot matrix printer
  2. Digital plotter
  3. Line printer
  4. All of the above

Answer: Digital plotter

14. The digital computer was developed primarily in
  1. USSR
  2. Japan
  3. USA
  4. All of above

Answer: USA

15. Instructions and memory address are represented by
  1. Character code
  2. Binary codes
  3. Binary word
  4. Parity bit

Answer: Binary codes

16. BCD is
  1. Binary Coded Decimal
  2. Bit Coded Decimal
  3. Binary Coded Digit
  4. Bit Coded Digit

Answer: Binary Coded Decimal

17. A hybrid computer
  1. Binary Coded Decimal
  2. Bit Coded Decimal
  3. Resembles both a digital and analogue computer
  4. None of the above

Answer: Resembles both a digital and analogue computer

18. Which is an example of first generation computer?
  1. EDVAC
  2. EDSAC
  3. ENIAC

Answer: ENIAC

19. Nepal brought a computer for census of 2028 BS. This computer was of
  1. first generation
  2. second generation
  3. third generation
  4. fourth generation

Answer: second generation

20. What is the date when Babbage conceived Analytical engine
  1. 1642
  2. 1837
  3. 1880
  4. 1850

Answer: 1837

21. The two kinds of main memory are:
  1. Primary and secondary
  2. Random and sequential
  3. ROM and RAM
  4. All of above

Answer: ROM and RAM

22. Which of the following was a special purpose computer?
  1. ABC
  2. ENIAC
  3. EDVAC
  4. All of the above

Answer: ABC

23. Which of the following was a special purpose computer?
  1. ABC
  2. ENIAC
  3. EDVAC
  4. All of the above

Answer: ABC

24. A set of flip flops integrated together is called ____
  1. Counter
  2. Adder
  3. Register
  4. None of the above

Answer: Register

25. A set of information that defines the status of resources allocated to a process is
  1. Process control
  2. ALU
  3. Register Unit
  4. Process description

Answer: Process description

26. Which of the following belongs to the category of fourth generation languages?
  1. Machine language
  2. High-level language
  3. Assembly language
  4. Query language

Answer: Query language

27. Which is considered a direct entry input device?
  1. Optical scanner
  2. Mouse and digitizer
  3. Light pen
  4. All of the above

Answer: All of the above

28. The brain of any computer system is
  1. ALU
  2. Memory
  3. CPU
  4. All of the above

Answer: CPU

29. High density double sided floppy disks could store _____ of data
  1. 1.40 MB
  2. 1.44 GB
  3. 1.40 GB
  4. 1.44 MB

Answer: 1.44 MB

30. What is the responsibility of the logical unit in the CPU of a computer?
  1. To produce result
  2. To compare numbers
  3. To control flow of information
  4. To do math’s works

Answer: To compare numbers

31. The first firm to mass-market a microcomputer as a personal computer was
  1. IBM
  2. To compare numbers
  3. Radio Shaks
  4. Data General Corporation

Answer: Radio Shaks

32. A dumb terminal has
  1. an embedded microprocessor
  2. extensive memory
  3. independent processing capability
  4. a keyboard and screen

Answer: a keyboard and screen

33. In most IBM PCs, the CPU, the device drives, memory expansion slots and active components are mounted on a single board. What is the name of this board?
  1. Motherboard
  2. Breadboard
  3. Daughter board
  4. Grandmother board

Answer: Motherboard

34. Before a disk drive can access any sector record, a computer program has to provide the record’s disk address. What information does this address specify?
  1. Track number
  2. Sector number
  3. Surface number
  4. All of above

Answer: All of above

35. A register organized to allow to move left or right operations is called a ____
  1. Counter
  2. Loader
  3. Adder
  4. Shift register

Answer: Shift register

36. What is the other name for 'transistor computer'?
  1. First Generation Computer
  2. Fourth Generation Computer
  3. Second Generation Computer
  4. Third Generation Computer

Answer: Second Generation Computer

37. An integrated circuit is
  1. A complicated circuit
  2. An integrating device
  3. Much costlier than a single transistor
  4. Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip

Answer: Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip

38. Which of the following statement is valid?
  1. Lady Augusta is the first programmer
  2. Ada is the daughter of Lord Byron, a famous English poet
  3. ADA is a programming language developed by US Defense
  4. All of above

Answer: All of above

39. The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from
  1. Primary memory
  2. Control section
  3. External memory
  4. All of the above

Answer: Control section

40. A technique used by codes to convert an analog signal into a digital bit stream is known as
  1. Pulse code modulation
  2. Pulse stretcher
  3. Query processing
  4. Queue management

Answer: Pulse code modulation

41. The first computer introduced in Nepal was
  1. IBM 1400
  2. IBM 1401
  3. IBM 1402
  4. IBM1402

Answer: IBM 1401

42. Python is a _______.
  1. low level language
  2. high level language
  3. machine language
  4. assembly language

Answer: high level language

43. From which generation operating systems were developed?
  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third
  4. Fourth

Answer: Third

44. Which of the following is the first computer to use Stored Program Concept?
  2. ENIAC
  3. EDSAC
  4. None of above

Answer: EDSAC

45. UNIVAC is
  1. Universal Automatic Computer
  2. Universal Array Computer
  3. Unique Automatic Computer
  4. Unvalued Automatic Computer

Answer: Universal Automatic Computer

46. The output quality of a printer is measured by
  1. Dot per sq. inch
  2. Dot per inch
  3. Dots printed per unit time
  4. None of above

Answer: Dot per sq. inch

47. Regarding a VDU, Which statement is more correct?
  1. It is an output device
  2. It is an input device
  3. It is a peripheral device
  4. It is hardware item

Answer: It is a peripheral device

48. Which was the most popular first generation computer?
  1. IBM 1650
  2. IBM 360
  3. IBM 1130
  4. None of above

Answer: IBM 1650

49. How many number of transistors are in the 4 generation chip?
  1. 1000 transistors
  2. more than 1000 transistors
  3. billion transistors
  4. 10 transistors

Answer: more than 1000 transistors

50. Operating system is used in which generation of computer for the first time?
  1. First Generation
  2. Second Generation
  3. Third Generation
  4. Fourth Generation

Answer: Third Generation

51. When was Pascaline invented?
  1. 1617
  2. 1620
  3. 1642
  4. 1837

Answer: 1642

52. To produce high quality graphics (hardcopy) in color, you would want to use a/n
  1. RGB monitor
  2. Plotter
  3. Ink-jet printer
  4. Laser printer

Answer: Plotter

53. When was vacuum tube invented?
  1. 1900
  2. 1906
  3. 1910
  4. 1880

Answer: 1906

54. Which of the following is a part of the central processing unit of a computer?
  1. Scanner
  2. Memory registers
  3. Mouse
  4. Joystick

Answer: Memory registers

55. A computer consists of
  1. A central processing unit
  2. A memory
  3. Input and output unit
  4. All of the above

Answer: All of the above

56. Which of the following IC was used in third generation of computers?
  1. SSI
  2. MSI
  3. LSI
  4. Both 1 and 2

Answer: Both 1 and 2

57. Abacus was the first
  1. electronic computer
  2. mechanical computer
  3. electronic calculator
  4. mechanical calculator

Answer: mechanical calculator

58. 'Integrated Circuits' belonged to which of the following generation of Computers?
  1. Third Generation
  2. Fifth Generation
  3. Fourth Generation
  4. Second Generation

Answer: Third Generation

59. Algorithm and Flow chart help us to
  1. Know the memory capacity
  2. Identify the base of a number system
  3. Direct the output to a printer
  4. Specify the problem completely and clearly

Answer: Specify the problem completely and clearly

60. ASCII and EBCDIC are the popular character coding systems. What does EBCDIC stand for?
  1. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
  2. Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code
  3. Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code
  4. Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code

Answer: Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

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